These are a few random anagrams taken from the thousands of gems that Anagram Genius customers like you have discovered with their software. Why not use your software to find more and submit them to the Anagram Genius Archive?
"George Bush" anagrams to "He bugs Gore!"
Also, "Republican National Committee" rearranges as "Inept ballot count: America mine!"
"Whitehouse Intern Miss Monica Samille Lewinsky" anagrams to "Hey! William Clinton arouses me. Hi! I'm Ken's witness!". "William Clinton" anagrams to "An ill clown: I'm it!"
"The Oprah Winfrey Show" anagrams to "Oh wow! Fine hyper-trash!"
"William Shakespeare" anagrams to "I am a weakish speller"!!
"Tony Blair MP" anagrams to "I'm Tory Plan B" and "Tony Blair" anagrams to "Tory in Lab."
Other UK political examples include (amongst hundreds) "Liberal Democrats", "Creditable morals" and "The Conservative Party Conference" anagramming to "French contraceptive on every seat?"!?
"President Saddam Hussein" anagrams to "Human disaster dispensed".
"Osama Bin Laden" rearranges as "A damn alien S.O.B." or "Old man in a base"!
Many thousands of further examples for these subjects and many more can be found online in the Anagram Genius Archive. Details of how to submit your own anagrams to this archive can be found in the help topic The Anagram Genius Archive.