The Anagram Genius Archive is a huge collection of quality anagrams of famous subjects, compiled over many years and largely discovered by customers of the Anagram Genius software such as yourself!
A copy of the archive at the time when your version of the software was published is contained within the program and provided the Include results from archive option is selected at the Input Stage, any such anagrams of your current subject text will be displayed in the generated anagrams.
The archive is by far the largest collection of quality anagrams ever compiled and is growing continuously. It is maintained in an online database and is accessible via the website.
One of the main purposes of the archive is to keep track of when the best anagrams were discovered and by whom. Giving credit to the original discoverers of the best anagrams is an important part of the reason why it exists.
To be included the anagrams have to fulfil a variety of criteria including being of extremely high quality and of a famous, naturally-phrased subject text. All submissions have to pass an editorial process before being included.
If you use Anagram Genius to discover a brilliant anagram of a famous subject you are strongly recommended to submit the anagram for inclusion as soon as possible. Although credits do sometimes get adjusted when someone can prove that they discovered the anagram earlier than the earliest known credit, the proof needed is either submission to the archive or some kind of dated publication. Submission to the archive costs nothing, can be done moments after the anagram is discovered and can be done automatically from within your Anagram Genius software!
To submit an anagram from within Anagram Genius first weed it so that it is present in the weeded list. (If you don't know how to do this, please read the help topic The Weed Stage.) The anagram can then be submitted automatically either by right clicking on it and selecting the menu option Submit to AG Archive... or by double clicking with the left mouse button and clicking the button with the same text. Either choice will bring up the same dialog.
Pressing the Submit the anagram button will open your default web browser to the acknowledgement page. If the subject is not already in the archive you will then need to fill in a short number of web pages to create the subject within the archive.
Once submitted it will not be published until it has passed an editorial stage where the anagram is checked for quality and the other criteria by a human editor.
Please only submit the very highest quality anagrams and make sure the anagram meets the other criteria too such as being of a naturally-phrased famous subject. Submitting poor quality or ineligible anagrams for inclusion wastes the editor's precious time and may eventually result in you being blocked from submitting further anagrams. However, gem anagrams of famous subjects are extremely welcome and will result in you going down in anagramming history as their discoverer!
Anagrams can also be submitted directly on the website by going to this address:
N.B. Please note that the Include results from archive option in your software refers to the copy of the archive that is incorporated into your version. Successfully adding anagrams to the archive online will not result in them being displayed within your software until you upgrade to a version including the new database. This minor defect will hopefully be addressed in future versions of Anagram Genius.