Anagram Competition ResultsThe competition that ended on the 30-April-2000 attracted about four hundred submissions of which about two hundred were of sufficiently high quality to be immortalised as part of the archive. The judges decided to split the prize money between three of the submitted anagrams. The anagrams were: "Prime Minister Tony Blair"="I'm Britain's Tory peril, men!" "United States of America"="Dine out: taste a Mac, fries." "Randall and Hopkirk (deceased)"="Real plonker and sad dickhead" (The fact that two the three winning anagrams had strongly British themes was coincidence.) Mick Tully submitted the first two anagrams winning two-thirds of the $500 prize ($333). Tony Barrell discovered the third (prize money: $167). Congratulations to both of them. We are hoping to run a new competition in the near future. Eligible anagrams submitted to the archive before it is announced will be considered part of the next competition so there is no need to wait for the announcement. Archive (and competition) anagram submission page |