"The Conservative Party Leader David Cameron" -> ""Mr Charlatanry". Ever-evasive Eton dope addict." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"The Conservative Leader David Cameron" -> "Old Etonian chav: "A TVR? I've a red Mercedes!"" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"The Conservative Leader David Cameron" -> "Smart career advice involved Eton head." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"The Conservative Leader David Cameron" -> "Vivid, lacerated, over-caned Eton arse? H'm..." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"Michael Howard, Conservative Party leader" -> "Tapeworm lavatory and cheesier arch-devil." (by Drew Jackson using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"The Scottish Conservative Party" -> "Shit, petty voters have narcotics!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2009) (pending approval)
"The Scottish Conservative Party" -> "Vet tartan host hypocrites' vices." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2009) (pending approval)
"The Scottish Conservative Party" -> "Thirsty voter: "Vet, sip a scotch, nae?"" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2009) (pending approval)
"The Scottish Conservative Party" -> "Hi! Hypocrites covet tartan vests." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2009) (pending approval)
"The Scottish Conservative Party" -> "Thirty-seven votes? Catastrophic!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"The Scottish Conservative Party" -> "Threat: naive, scotch-tipsy voters." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"William Jefferson Hague" -> "Jeer of shameful wailing." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"David Cameron and Nicholas Clegg" -> "Connives. Cold, damaging, arch deal." (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2010)
"David Cameron and Nicholas Clegg" -> "A volcanic, charming deal godsend." (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2010)
"David Cameron and Nick Clegg" -> "Advanced menacing gridlock." (by David Axford using Anagram Genius) (2010) (pending approval)
"The British ex-Prime Minister David Cameron" -> "Brexit did him in. It meant his PM career's over." (by Jason Lofts) (2016) (pending approval)
"David Cameron MP, Tory Leader" -> "Comradery to evil, dead PR man." (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"David Cameron MP, Tory Leader" -> "Elect me PM, and vary arid odor." (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"Tory David Cameron" -> "VAT? Or dry comedian." (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"Tory David Cameron" -> "Toy diamond carver." (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"David Cameron MP" -> "Caveman did romp." (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2006)
"David William Donald Cameron, the new leader of the Conservative Party" -> "Onward, after Michael Howard's malevolence, deviation, and petty drivel!" (by David Bourke using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"David Cameron, Conservative MP" -> "Overadvance, smart demonic VIP." (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2005)
"David Cameron, Conservative" -> "Corrosive, avid advancement." (by Robert Parrott using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"David Cameron - tory leader" -> "Dear manly evictor adored." (by ben seale using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"David Cameron - tory leader" -> "Am declared ordinary vote." (by ben seale using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"David Cameron - tory leader" -> "Decry liar n' adore mad vote." (by ben seale using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"David Cameron - tory leader" -> "A dearer dynamic old voter." (by ben seale using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"David Cameron - tory leader" -> "A very declined mad orator." (by ben seale using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"David Cameron - tory leader" -> "Lo! demanded a rare victory!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"David Cameron - tory leader" -> "No alarm, dear. Divorced yet?" (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"David Cameron - tory leader" -> "Dear! Valid comradery, Eton." (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"David Cameron - tory leader" -> "Oddly, never aromatic, dear!" (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"David Cameron - tory leader" -> "Drive my car on elated road." (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"David Cameron - tory leader" -> "An ideal voter? Dry, comrade!" (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"David Cameron - tory leader" -> "Drearily modern advocate." (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"Rt. Hon. David William Donald Cameron, MP, PM" -> "Prompt old woman and dimmed arch-villain." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Rt. Hon. David William Donald Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm arch-devil pimp and not droll madwoman." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Rt. Hon. David William Donald Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I am the prim, odd clown or limp, damn vandal." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Rt. Hon. David William Donald Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm the damn pimp or manic, old-world vandal." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Rt. Hon. David William Donald Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm the droll coward, I'm damn pimp on vandal." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David William Donald Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm the vandal roll pighead Crap! I'm moribund old woman." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David William Donald Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm the primordial clown, pighead vandal, or old man bum." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David William Donald Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm the pighead criminal, bold rump vandal, or old woman." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David William Donald Cameron, MP, PM" -> "Urban pighead old man I'm the vampiric droll old woman." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David William Donald Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm moronic vandal lump; I'm the narrow pighead oddball." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David William Donald Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm the vampiric roman pighead or bland dull old woman." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David William Donald Cameron, MP, PM" -> "Mad pighead vandal I'm the limp colour-blind raw moron." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David William Donald Cameron" -> "Domicile - Downing Street, Ten Hallmark - Divided man Aim - In for Podium." (by Aronas Pinchas) (2010) (pending approval)
"The Rt Hon David Cameron MP" -> "Damn! Improved on Thatcher." (by The Infamous Culex using Anagram Genius) (2012) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm novel pigmeat horror and dumb chap." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "Abhor piglet VD I'm nude arm moron chap." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm bad pigeon lover and charm or thump." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "At pighead porn I'm dumb monarch lover." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm monarch and lover but pighead romp." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm monarch pant or dumb pighead lover." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm bad pighead lover not monarch rump." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm mad pighead lover not monarch burp." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "Not over pighead lump I'm drab monarch." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm novel mad bad pigmeat horror punch." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm arch moron and uphold pigmeat verb." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm over pigmeat and uphold born charm." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm hard havoc pigmeat on romp blunder." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm dumb pigmeat and venal chop horror." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "Abhor much-loved porn, I'm darn pigmeat." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm pigmeat porn and verb arch hoodlum." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "I'm arch, proven pigmeat brand hoodlum." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "Abhor random pigmeat, I'm proved lunch." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"Right Honourable David Cameron, MP, PM" -> "Pardon! I have dumb moron piglet charm." (by Paul C. Dickie using Anagram Genius) (2015) (pending approval)
"David Cameron is UK's new prime minister" -> "Er...weak mind under Victorian pessimism." (by Aronas Pinchas) (2010) (pending approval)
"David Cameron is UK's new prime minister" -> "We're rude Victorian-pessimism mankind." (by Aronas Pinchas) (2010) (pending approval)
"Iain Duncan Smith, Conservative Party Leader" -> "I revive T.A. plan, and I destroy NHS care. I'm a c**t!" (by Craig Aston by hand) (2003)
"David Cameron, Tory MP" -> "Tardy or demonic vamp." (by Robert Parrott by hand) (2005)
"David Cameron, Tory MP" -> "My! I advocated porn, Mr!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"David Cameron, Tory MP" -> "Void, party commander." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Conservative and Unionist Party Leader Michael Howard" -> "Vampire Dracula has teeth in vain. Riled - sod Tony won race." (by Stanley Accrington by hand) (2005)
"David William Donald Cameron'" -> "I'm an odd, mild, evil anal coward." (by George Korfiatis using Anagram Genius) (2016) (pending approval)
"David William Donald Cameron'" -> "Lord! I am a wild demonic vandal." (by George Korfiatis using Anagram Genius) (2016) (pending approval)
"David William Donald Cameron'" -> "Did a common villain dread law?" (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2012) (pending approval)
"David William Donald Cameron'" -> "I command world in a valid lead." (by Aronas Pinchas ) (2012) (pending approval)
"David William Donald Cameron'" -> "I am low-minded, cordial vandal." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"David William Donald Cameron'" -> "Do evil on wild radical madman." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"David Cameron The Leader of The Opposition" -> "Ever the capitalist, pardon of hoodie demon." (by ben seale using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Conservative: Are you thinking what we're thinking?" -> "Keen to win, right-wing attacks envy in heavier hour." (by Robert Parrott using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Conservative Party Chairman, Francis Maude" -> "Voters cave in. I am a crafty and rich superman!" (by Robert Parrott using Anagram Genius) (2005)