"The former Beatles singer/bassist Paul McCartney" -> "Being that silly scouser, a perfect embarrassment!" (by David Bourke using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"James Paul McCartney" -> "Jumpy acne smart-alec." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Singer Aretha Franklin" -> "Large thanks in refrain!" (by Zoran Radisavljevic by hand) (2011) (pending approval)
"Singer Aretha Franklin" -> "Glare in refrain. Thanks!" (by Zoran Radisavljevic by hand) (2011) (pending approval)
"The singer Aretha Franklin" -> "Hit refrain ranks the angel." (by Zoran Radisavljevic by hand) (2011) (pending approval)
"Superstition" -> "Tips / routines." (by David Bourke by hand) (2000)
"Superstition" -> "It is not super." (by T J Mitchell by hand) (2017) (pending approval)