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Prime Minister John Howard anagrams

Rearranging the letters of 'Prime Minister John Howard' gives:

Horrid wimp moans thin jeer(by Michael B using Anagram Genius) (2000)
Join, damn, - he whip terrorism.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Join him. He'd pawn terrorism.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Hi! Jam owned Ph in terrorism.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Eh! I jam down Ph in terrorism.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Jam, we hid no Ph in terrorism.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Hid "Jaw Omen" in terrorism Ph.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Hi! Owe DJ man Ph in terrorism.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Amen! I, who DJ Ph in terrorism.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
It whimpered in major horns.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Jet whimper and Irish moron.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Shit! Join random whimperer.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
I'm the new, horrid major spin.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Join or damn this whimperer.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Oh Man! Horrid jester in wimp.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Join this random whimperer.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Whom joins hinderer armpit?(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Eh! Horrid jaw imprisonment.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
So thin, major wimp hinderer.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
I'm Mr Jr Hothead in penis row.(by Justin using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
Other related anagrams without their own page:
"John Winston Howard" -> "Thrown snow on jihad." (by Stephen Bishop using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"John Winston Howard" -> "Oh Wow! Ninth Jr and so..." (by Stephen Bishop using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"John Winston Howard" -> "Who drown Saint John?"" (by Stephen Bishop using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"John Winston Howard" -> "Jonah hit, now drowns." (by Stephen Bishop using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"John Winston Howard" -> "Throws Jonah down in." (by Stephen Bishop using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"John Winston Howard" -> "Now drown this Jonah." (by Stephen Bishop using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"John Winston Howard" -> "No withdraw, Johnson." (by Stephen Bishop using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"John Winston Howard" -> "In now, thrash Jo down." (by Stephen Bishop using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"John Winston Howard" -> "Shh! Don't join war now."" (by Stephen Bishop using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"John Winston Howard" -> "Shh! Down war. Join not."" (by Stephen Bishop using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"John Winston Howard" -> "John's down-town hair." (by Stephen Bishop using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"The Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Michael Rudd" -> "Cerumen? I removed it, ate it all, sharpish. Fair dinkum!" (by David Bourke using Anagram Genius) (2007)
"The Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Michael Rudd" -> "I film market-research-driven media spin. Haul it out!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"The Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Michael Rudd" -> "Eureka, Mr! HRH, I'm an avid, imprudent socialist leftie." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"The Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Michael Rudd" -> "Aim: devilish red kremlin franchise. Utter utopia, Ma!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Paul Keating, former prime minister of australia" -> "Piratelike mismanager or stuffier manipulator." (by Brad using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"Australian Prime Minister John Howard" -> "Womanish, diarrheal arm-pits injure not." (by Michael using Anagram Genius) (2004)
See also:
Australian Politician
Prime Minister Howard
The Prime Minister of Australia
The Commonwealth of Australia
Simon Crean
Andrew Thomson
Paul Keating
Pauline Hanson
Prime Minister John Winston Howard
John Howard's the Prime Minister

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