Prime Minister Anthony Charles Lynton Blair anagrams
Rearranging the letters of 'Prime Minister Anthony Charles Lynton Blair' gives:
Alistair Campbell: "I'm northern, he's Tory ninny!" | (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2000) |
'Nanny' nails trimly-slim partner Cherie Booth!(by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2004) |
Romantic premier annoys the NHS brilliantly. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
Tory nobleman (tyrannic liar) imperils the NHS. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
Ineptly abnormal, motherly christian sinner. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
Trimmest, nanny-ish, leprotic, horny ballerina. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
Politically abhorrent, nanny-ish merriments. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
Menially hypernormal, inconstant Britisher. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
Horribly, permanently shit, not sane criminal. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
I'm the sillier, abnormal, tory, nanny sphincter. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
Mentally arrantly British incomprehension. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
Mr. Lame Plain Rich Tory Ninny obliterates NHS. | (by Joe Fathallah) (2003) |
Really prominent British man... he's in Tory clan. | (by Jesse Frankovich) (2003) |
Abnormally motherly, inept, Christian sinner. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
Memorable, inept, shrill christian. Tory nanny. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
I'm premier 'n' this constantly horny ballerina. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe/Donald L. Holmes using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
Hypernormally nimble, stentorian Christian. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
The slim, banal, merrier, politic, tory NHS nanny. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
Brilliant, Toryish, sincere, ornamental nymph. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
Merry, hip, brainy, non-socialist enthrallment. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2003) |
An omnipresent militancy enthrals horribly. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2002) |
Memorably ninnyish or repellant anti-Christ. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2002) |
Nonrhythmically omnipresent libertarians. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2002) |
Immorally resonant, labyrinthine sphincter. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2002) |
Sharp brilliancy enthrals eminent moronity. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (1997) |
Brainy, omnipotent thriller charms insanely. | (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (1997) |
- Other related anagrams without their own page:
""A week is a long time in politics"" -> "Is ace pinko Wilson legitimate?" (by Pudni Wasti using Anagram Genius) (2005)
""A week is a long time in politics"" -> "Elite image now, pink socialist?" (by Pudni Wasti using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"A Scottish Prime Minister" -> "Spit! Mister Cameron is hit." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"A Scottish Prime Minister" -> "Strip, Cherie. Man, it's moist!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"A Scottish Prime Minister" -> "Tories threat: mimics spin." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"A Scottish Prime Minister" -> "I hammer Prescott. I insist!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"A Scottish Prime Minister" -> "This casino merits permit." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and Alastair John Campbell." -> "A nobler health and lynch jolly top star banana criminals." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and George Walker Bush." -> "One-and-only bonny war liars, heckle, haggle, bars truth." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"The Labour Prime Minister, Tony Blair, and the Chancellor, Gordon Brown" -> "BBC: Oh droll! why, cool melon both, in Granita restaurant "Premier" dinner!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"The President of the European Council, Anthony Blair" -> "Ooh! Then blatantly define a rich, opportune sinecure!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2009) (pending approval)
"Prime Minister Tony Blair s legacy to Great Britain" -> "PR Grin, still! My ambition as I retire, get a baronetcy!" (by mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher" -> "'I'm the Grantham Premier', cries tart!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"Alastair John Campbell." -> "Hell camp liar Satan job." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Alastair John Campbell." -> "Camp liar's lethal banjo." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Alastair John Campbell." -> "All Neath camp liar's job." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Alastair John Campbell." -> "Halt camp liar's lean job." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Alastair John Campbell." -> "Camp liar halts lean job." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Alastair Campbell s Diary" -> "Blears is a PR calamity, lad!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"Alastair Campbell s Diary" -> "Party calm as I laid Blears." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Alastair Campbell s Diary" -> "Bars rally capital s media!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Alastair Campbell s Diary" -> "PR: Read Balls is a calamity!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Alastair Campbell s Diary" -> "Ed Balls "I m a rascal I party "" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Alastair Campbell s Diary" -> "Camilla is bare - Party, lads!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Alastair Campbell s Diary" -> ""Pair lady " Lembit s a rascal." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Alastair Campbell s Diary" -> "Impartial? a scary Ed Balls?" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Alastair Campbell resigns" -> "A rat, escaping Blair's smell!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"George Bush and Anthony Blair" -> "Unhonorably handiest beggar." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown" -> "One dimwit ruler, boring sporran mob!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Our Tony Blair" -> "Tory in Labour" (by anon) (1999)
"Premier Tony Blair" -> "Terribly minor ape." (by Judy Miller using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"The Tony Blair Regime" -> "Tory\Lib heritage men." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"The Tony Blair Regime" -> "Timely Boateng hirer." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"The Tony Blair Regime" -> "I'm the terrible agony." (by Judy Miller using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"The Tony Blair Regime" -> "I'm the bearer to lying." (by Judy Miller using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"The Tony Blair Regime" -> "Negate! Horribly emit!" (by Judy Miller using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"'Teflon' Tony Blair" -> "Tiny frontal lobe." (by David Bourke using Anagram Genius) (2004)
"'Teflon' Tony Blair" -> "Brit, a No. Ten folly." (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2004)
"Tony Blair and his deputy John Prescott" -> "Philanderer’s duty? Stay in topnotch job!" (by Tony Crafter using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Prime minister Sir Anthony Eden" -> "Premier: Hi Nasser! (Dim nonentity)" (by Pudni Wasti using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Prime minister Sir Anthony Eden" -> "Nannyish premier is not merited." (by Pudni Wasti using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"The Tony Blair Faith Foundation" -> "In on that naff Labour idiot, they." (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2008) (pending approval)
"T. Blair" -> "Tribal." (by Segura using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"David Lloyd George" -> "Very addled gigolo?" (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2003)
"David Lloyd George" -> "God! I'd leg-over lady!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"David Lloyd George" -> "God! age-old devilry." (by Peter Laurence Hall using Anagram Genius) (2003)
"David Lloyd George" -> "Giddy old age lover?" (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2003)
"David Lloyd George" -> "O, evaded godly girl?" (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2003)
"David Lloyd George" -> "Dogged daily lover." (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2012) (pending approval)
"David Lloyd George" -> "Doggedly Overlaid." (by L. Lomasky using Anagram Genius) (2005) (pending approval)
"Number Ten Downing Street" -> "Resentment untied G. Brown." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"Number Ten Downing Street" -> "Mog deterrent went, in snub." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"Number Ten Downing Street" -> "Dung! (Brownite resentment)." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"Number Ten Downing Street" -> "Grow eminent, but end stern." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (1997)
"Number Ten Downing Street" -> "Rusting tenement? ... Browned!" (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2007) (pending approval)
"Number Ten Downing Street" -> "Tenement Brown trudges in." (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2007) (pending approval)
"Number Ten Downing Street" -> "Burdens non-emergent twit?" (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"Number Ten Downing Street" -> "Set tune in den: Get Mr. Brown!" (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2006) (pending approval)
"Edward Heath" -> "Headed wrath." (by Jean
Merges by hand) (2005)
"This Labour Government" -> "Return them, ASBO loving!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"This Labour Government" -> "Vote Rt. Hon. Blears in, mug!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"This Labour Government" -> "Heat on, voter rumblings..." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"This Labour Government" -> "Burn the gits on removal!" (by Judy Miller using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"This Labour Government" -> "No blames or truth given!" (by Judy Miller using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"This Labour Government" -> "The innovator grumbles." (by Judy Miller using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"This Labour Government" -> "Rt. Hon. Milburn: 'Sage vote!"" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"New Labour Party" -> "Brown at rule? Pay!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"New Labour Party" -> "A true Brown play." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"New Labour Party" -> "Brown up later, ya?" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"New Labour Party" -> "A blue, tory prawn?" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"New Labour Party" -> "A prawn-buyer lot." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"New Labour Party" -> "Brutal weaponry." (by Jean by hand) (2005)
"New Labour Party" -> "War! Pan blue tory!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Anthony and Cherie Blair" -> "Labyrinthine charade, no?" (by David Bourke using Anagram Genius) (2007)
"The Prime Minister's wife, Cherie Blair" -> "Benefits? Premier is rich. I'm wealthier!" (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2002)
"The Prime Minister's wife, Cherie Blair" -> "I brief premier: 'Thatcherism, wise line'." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2006)
"The Prime Minister's wife, Cherie Blair" -> "She is a nimbler, wittier premier chief." (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2002)
"Gordon Brown backing Tony Blair for EU president" -> "Known Brit's good for Europe and can bring liberty." (by Aronas Pinchas) (2009) (pending approval)
"Tony Blair's legacy" -> "Obstinacy, largely." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Tony Blair's legacy" -> "Ball nice tory gays." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Tony Blair's legacy" -> "Yo! Betrayal clings." (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Tony Blair's legacy" -> "Cor! a beastly lying!" (by Mick Tully using Anagram Genius) (2007) (pending approval)
"Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and Cherie Booth." -> "Both are non-technically hated horny nob liars." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Mark and Carol - Twins of Margaret and Denis Thatcher" -> "Loathsome African and charming wet tart - Dark Nerds!" (by Paul Grainger using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Sir Denis Thatcher, Baronet, MBE, TD - onetime husband of Margaret" -> "To great man behind famous mate, resented horrid bitch's banter." (by Jason Lofts by hand) (2013) (pending approval)
"Sir Denis Thatcher, Baronet, MBE, TD - onetime husband of Margaret" -> "He undoes fragrant M, she bested Norman Tebbit, horrid catamite." (by Jason Lofts by hand) (2013) (pending approval)
"Sir Denis Thatcher, Baronet, MBE, TD - onetime husband of Margaret" -> "Brighton bomb tests her education. M ran, then defeated IRA arms." (by Jason Lofts by hand) (2013) (pending approval)
"Sir Denis Thatcher, Baronet, MBE, TD - onetime husband of Margaret" -> "Bomb harmed Brighton. Act daunts teen heroine. Mrs T defeats IRA." (by Jason Lofts by hand) (2013) (pending approval)
"Sir Denis Thatcher, Baronet, MBE, TD - onetime husband of Margaret" -> "DT's afternoons: beer, gin, chatter, head throbs, am inebriated, Mum!" (by Jason Lofts by hand) (2013) (pending approval)
"Sir Denis Thatcher, Baronet, MBE, TD - onetime husband of Margaret" -> "Married Grantham debutante economist. Both hearts be friends." (by Jason Lofts by hand) (2013) (pending approval)
"Margaret Thatcher is now eighty years old" -> "Sad geriatric Tory here. (The ghastly woman!)" (by David Bourke using Anagram Genius) (2005)
"Prime Minister Margaret Hilda Thatcher." -> "I'm Hitler's Grantham impaired cheer tart." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
"Prime Minister Margaret Hilda Thatcher." -> "The rat's nightmare matricide peril harm." (by Jim Bond using Anagram Genius) (2006) (pending approval)
- See also:
- Tony Blair MP
- Tony Blair
- Anthony Charles Lynton Blair
- Mister Anthony Blair
- Cherie Booth!
- Baron Wilson of Rievaulx
- Prime Minister Gladstone
- Sir Anthony Eden
- Margaret Thatcher
- "The your pocket"
- Anthony Blair
- Alastair Campbell
- Anthony Blair, Labour Leader
- Tony Blair and the forty five minute warning
- Director of Communications Alastair Campbell
- Alastair Campbell's dodgy dossier
- George Walker Bush, President of the USA
- George W. Bush and Tony Blair
- George Walker Bush, President of the United States of America
- The President Of The United States Of America, George Walker Bush
- Prime Minister Tony Blair
- Blair and Brown
- Tony Blair, Labour Leader
- Tony Blair's "New Labour"
- Prime Minister Blair
- The Prime Minister, Tony Blair
- Bush and Brown seek to establish rapports
- Tony and Cherie Blair
- Tony Blair PM
- Blair's Cabinet Reshuffle
- Tony Blair's going for a third term
- A "lame-duck" Prime minister
- A Labour win
- Clement Attlee
- Tony Blair's 'The Big Conversation'
- Julian Blair
- Leo Blair
- Leo Blair, the PM's son
- Blair's keynote speech
- Bob Geldof
- Compulsory identity cards
- Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
- Lloyd George
- Rt Hon Gerald Kaufman
- New Labour is working
- Labour's longest-serving Prime Minister
- New Labour's Third Term
- Premier
- Prime Minster Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and Fuhrer.
- 'The Unfulfilled Prime Minister: Tony Blair's Quest for a Legacy' - Peter Riddell
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