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The Apprentice anagrams

Rearranging the letters of 'The Apprentice' (Donald Trump reality TV show) gives:

Pitch, rant, epee.(by Stanley Accrington by hand) (2006)
Other related anagrams without their own page:
"Donald and Melania Trump" -> "Putrid Man and a mean doll." (by Mike Mesterton-Gibbons by hand) (2016) (pending approval)
"Donald and Melania Trump" -> "Dull primate and madonna." (by Jason Lofts) (2015) (pending approval)
"Donald and Melania Trump" -> "Dull primate and madonna." (by Jason Lofts) (2015) (pending approval)
"Cantankerous Trumps delusions" -> "Smiled ton, usurps, USA note crank." (by Jim Banholzer) (2018) (pending approval)
"Donald Trump heart" -> "Deathtrap mold urn." (by Jim Banholzer) (2018) (pending approval)
"Donald Trump heart" -> "Rapt Homeland turd." (by Jim Banholzer) (2018) (pending approval)
"donald trump US tycoon" -> "Custody torn up, old man." (by Doug Kissock using Anagram Genius) (2008) (pending approval)
"Vote Donald Trump" -> "Modulated Porn Tv." (by Jim Banholzer) (2015) (pending approval)
"Donald Trump and Mike Pence" -> "Kind, popular, decent madmen." (by William Tunstall-Pedoe using Anagram Genius) (2016)
"I know nothing!" -> "Thinking no ow!" (by Jim Banholzer) (2017) (pending approval)
"Tall tale teller" -> "Taller telltale." (by Jim Banholzer) (2017) (pending approval)
See also:
Sir Alan Sugar's 'The Apprentice'
Donald Trump's The Apprentice
Donald Trump
The American billionaire business magnate Donald Trump
Trumps values
Trump's delusions
lighting a fair
A misuser of free will
An utmost rude President
The term "anchor babies"
Complete and utter gibberish
boldfaced lies
What Trump Dislikes
Donald John Trump
President Donald Trump
The Donald
Imaginary friend
Melania Trump
political puppet
President Trump

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